Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Salad a Day...or more...

One of the things I am doing to lose weight is to eat a nice big salad for lunch every day, and we have long had a salad as an appetizer before dinner each night too.

Here's what I do: I buy seven (7!) Romaine Hearts three packs from the grocery store every time I go (unless weather is nice, and there is lettuce in my garden...even better!). I can eat a half a romaine heart for lunch, as it fills my bowl! I also purchase a bag of individually frozen boneless/skinless chicken breasts or chicken tenders (NOT breaded!). I buy whichever is on sale, but SAM's club seems to have the best deals on this.

Most of the time, my daily salad is a half a romaine heart, one small, grilled chicken breast (grilled on a cast iron griddle--grill side--in the oven), 2T of shredded cheese, 1 shredded carrot, and whatever other veggies I have on hand, including fresh herbs, onions, and so forth. I top this not with salad dressing (I can't seem to find one I both like and that is low in sodium, fat, sugar, etc.), but with a Tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (in this case, roasted red pepper flavored, which I found on clearance at the grocers), and a few dashes of balsamic vinegar. I also lightly salt and pepper my salad.



Tori said...

This sounds just like the meals my grandmother has eaten for years. She's now 85 years old and is still as healthy as a horse! I love salads, too. I'd much rather experience all those tastes intermingling than have something processed. Just wish I could get my husband on board:)

mamazee said...

Love this idea, Kimberly! this is the second time this week that a big salad a day type of idea has crossed my internetz - i'm trying the Four Hour Body thing (with my husband) and i've lost 5 lbs so far - but it's hard! Now i know what you were talking about when you were mentioning giving up white flour/sugar - this also means no potatos, corn, grains, fruit in small (tiny) doses... and no dairy. It's been crazy! But the salad idea might be what gets me through another week :)... The crazy thing is that it's working, i feel so much better, healthier, i'm sleeping better, not bloated... but i still crave cookies and crackers and soft white bread! LOL!