Monday, September 17, 2007


Kay Wrote,

I am so glad I didnt plant Oregano now. I planted basil which has done
great, but now after reading Penny's comment, I am wondering about next
year because it did go to seed. My dill has done great this year also!


I think it depends on where you live, about the basil. My basil grows well, but here in Michigan it is an annual, and I have to replant it every year. Thankfully it hasn't taken over. :-) Although I don't think I would mind if it did! I have more use for basil than I do for oregano!

By the way, congratulations on the baby! Woo hoo.

Oregano is a pest...after all of that oregano we dug up, and even after turning the ground under, guess what is poking up through the ground?? I think I would try to burn it all if I wasn't concerned about my apple and cherry trees.

1 comment:

deb said...

Oh my goodness, you can't kill oregano.

Let me say first, that I kill everything green that I plant. I forget to water and I am too lazy to weed. Guess what, out of all my plants the oregano is doing great. You really can't kill the stuff. LOL