Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Debates and Primaries

I was just reading something interesting over at AOL's new site, as I look over the news this afternoon. First, according to their straw poll, Ron Paul has more votes than any other Republican Candidate but according to the news story, he won't be allowed to come to two pre-primary debates.

What's the matter, Fox and ABC? Does he make too much sense for you?

In telephone polls of people who are registered as Republican, he is not yet in the double digits. However, I know many life-long Democrats that are planning on going to the polls to vote for him and want to see him president, as well as all of my Libertarian and Constitutionalist friends (and independent voter). I even have three friends I know who have never voted in their lives (at all!) who went out and registered to vote so they could vote for Ron Paul. So...I have to wonder how it will all turn out on the could surprise many, especially if Ron Paul's internet based followers (who have him winning in most internet straw polls) all collectively pull away from their computers, leave their houses, and vote.

The Primary is January 15th. If you are a registered voter, go vote. For the first time ever in my life, I am actually going to show up and vote in a Republican primary...because for the first time ever there is a candidate I believe in. If you feel the same way, go let your voice be heard on Tuesday, Jan. 15th.

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