Thursday, October 16, 2008

Voting the Dream: longing for color-blind politics

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."- Martin Luther King, Jr.

This week in a public school in America, a girl was called racist for wearing a t-shirt supporting the white candidate. What would Martin Luther King Jr say? He was dreaming of a world where no one judges anyone by the color of their skin. Where the guy running for president is either elected or not elected based on his quality of his character not on the color of his skin.

I could care less if he was white...or brown...or yellow...or red...I wouldn't vote for Obama if he was the only one running. I wouldn't vote for anyone who has Momar Quadaffi's support. Nor would I want to vote for anyone who went to the racist, anti American church of Reverend White, or who has supported the dictator Odinga of Kenya.

This whole thing confuses this election has become about race for too many people. I believe that racism is when you judge someone (either positively or negatively) based on skin color.

King's dream is not about having a black president voted in on the basis of his blackness but his dream is about a day when his blackness or whiteness wouldn't even be an issue.

I can't stand this year's election choices now that Ron Paul is out of the race. I may do that which I never thought I'd do: hold my nose and vote republican just to keep that friend of terrorists and dictators out of office.


Mom of Five said...

I'm with you sister. I don't care for McCain, and while I agree that Palin is a good Conservative, I don't think she should be running for office. Period. However, in lieu of another good candidate that can actually win, I will vote Republican this year, and shed tears with my prayers before I go to bed on election night.

Anonymous said...

ARGH! Uggggh! ACK! BRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! I couldn't agree with you more!

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