Thursday, April 03, 2008

Back....and Esther's birthday

I've been totally MIA for the last few months...for a few reasons...pneumonia, a broken rib after a nasty slip and fall, feeling lousy, and having all sorts of busy-ness in my life since the start of the new year. 2008 has been crazy already, and it is only April.

Tomorrow my 2nd youngest child is entering the double digits. Yes, Esther is turning 10, and I am getting old. LOL Next year my "baby" will be 10. Where does the time go?

IS it spring where you live?

Here, spring keeps trying to show up but winter is not leaving without a fight. Obviously, from an astronomical point of view, it is spring (the sun has crossed the Vernal Equinox)...we learned about that in our Astronomy. We're using Jay Ryan's AMAZING book Signs and Seasons for Astronomy as a family (my oldest has her own science text book but she also enjoys this). I highly recommend it.

The crocuses (or is it croci? as my daughter recently asked) are poking through and our Pussy Willows are in bloom. I even see some small girl-flowers on the hazelnut bush (the "boy flowers"--catkins--are there all winter long), and some signs of life on the forsythias.


Mom of Five said...

It is indeed spring where we live, and I've been waiting for you to return to your blog to announce that I have strawberries! They are still green, but I have over a dozen from no more than a dozen little half-dead looking plants that you encouraged me to go ahead and plant last fall. They are healthy and look wonderful, and my children have declared that I shall have the first berry, lol. Thanks for your advice and encouragement.

Kimberly Eddy said...

AWESOME! I can't wait for strawberries. We are just starting to clean out the beds. I look forward to fresh berries.