Monday, May 07, 2007

dieting woes

weight gain and loss is a frustrating thing, especially when physically there are other health issues at work that are working against weight loss.

For me, I have some issues with my pituitary gland resulting from a bad reaction to a drug I took for my fibromyalgia...and from some other meds I've been given every now and then both for fibromyalgia and for the chronic bronchitis that I suffer from. I am to the point now to where I don't take anything unless I research it thoroughly on the internet, and find out all side effects. The drug I took several years ago that caused my initial 100 lb weight gain also caused my friend Toni to gain 80 lbs and her sister gained 75...and lets just say that the weight doesn't come off too easily after you take this drug even if you stop taking it. When I went to the doctor a year ago for severe fibro flareups, I was given another drug that turns out to be related, chemically, to this first drug...I'm now worried I may be back to square one. I have resigned myself to dealing with whatever pain I am in so long as I don't take any more fat-making drugs. The doctors continue to insist these drugs don't affect metabolism (baloney), though even the drugs' website says that is a possible side effect.

I've always been the sort of person who could lose that extra 10 or 20 lbs just by stopping to eat ice were the days. I miss ice cream.

Now, if I eat more than 1500 calories a day and don't work out like a fiend, I am gaining weight again. I hate that.

I had pretty much given up in frustration at the end of last summer when a few weeks with a sprained ankle (and no 3 mile walks) left me 20 lbs heavier, even with eating salads.

I went to a doctor about weight loss, only to be sent to a workshop at the hospital that told us such ground breaking revelation like, "If you want to lose weight, make sure you don't eat out at fast food restaurants more than 1x a week". GEE, I wish! If only!! I don't recall the last time I ate at a fast food restaurant...but on the rare occasion that I have to eat on the road, it usually is subway or I get a salad at one of the burger places.

When I gave up last year, I finally stopped obsessing about food. I think I posted before that I have a tendency to starve myself and get so hyper controlling about food that I don't eat. Before I got saved, I was bulimic most of the time so as to control my figure....and since becoming "obese" I have to remind myself that weight isn't everything. I know I eat well. I know my cholesterol and sugars are good for now....blood pressure is ok...

I knew I'd gain weight...but my dh, trying to help me chill out some, threw out my scale.

Well, we bought a scale this past week...and I have been very disappointed in what I found there.

I gained ALL of my weight back. ALL of it.

Of course, since I do work out, you don't really notice it as much on me. I do look heavy, but I always win at those "guess my weight" those carnival guys can never get my weight correct....they usually undershoot my weight by at least 50 lbs. Most of my friends guess my weight at 80-90 lbs less than what it really is...that is the blessing of being tall and well proportioned I guess.

So...I am back to trying to lose weight, without being obsessive hopefully.


ChicoryChick said...

I am so sorry for you dieting woes, but I am glad that you are learning not to "obsess" about weight. I am 80lbs overweight (thankfully being 5'10" my height helps to cover it too!), but my problem in losing weight we that until this past year I wasnt willing to discipline myself to excercise, diet, give up the ice cream etc..... I lost 15lbs doing a cleanse and only gained about 4 of it back, until I got pregnant. Now my midwife has me on a low carb, high protein diet. Thankfully I am allowed 80 carbs (compared to the South Beach 20), so I can still enjoy fruit and some whole grain bread etc...just in limited quantities.

I obviously dont have any advice to give....unless it is to try a cleanse to get the toxins from the drugs out of your body (I dont know you may have tried that already)....but if you eat as healthy as you can (which I know you do) and excercise regularly....I wouldnt really worry about your weight!

Catherine said...

Have you had your thyroid tested? I know it seems trivial, and that is often why it is ignored. Drugs that affect metabolism often have hurt your thyroid.

Mine crashed in 2003, at a similar point in my life as my mother was when hers crashed. Thankfully, I had her example and refused to leave the doctor's office until they tested my thyroid. Just to get me out of there, she ordered the test, all the time mumbling that I just had the flu. By the time I returned home, there was a message on my answering machine telling me to call them right away. I knew I had a problem when I consumed less than 1000 calories a day for three days and gained three pounds.

Sorry if it's redundant, but I believe the thyroid is the most ignored problem for women these.

Dea said...

Have you read Body Clutter by the FlyLady ( I can't recommend it enough. A lot of what I read in your post sounds like me before reading this book. It really made me step back and look at things and I've been losing weight ever since. Best of luck in the ongoing struggle... I'm right there with you! ;-)