Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hilary's Gifts

Hilary Clinton has a Christmas Message for you!

First I'll say this. Of all the political ads, Kudos to Hilary's people for putting together a nice looking ad with beautiful visuals and no mud slinging. I still don't like Hilary and would have to have had some sort of accident with the voting machine in order to vote for her...but the ad is clever. I'll give it that. More below.

How Generous!! Isn't that sweet?

She's going to give us universal health care. that sounds so wonderful, until you get your tax bill. You see if you are the average American worker, you are the one who is going to foot the bill. Free Health Care sounds great until you get the bill, or until you have to go to a socialized medicine clinic (having lived in Europe I have done both). Soon we will know what it's like to live in Europe and pay over 50% of our income to taxes just to have "free", low quality health care.

I always hate those gifts that in the end cost me more than they cost you...The kind of gift that you have to go out and buy something else to make it work. Well, this is one of those gifts. It costs Hillary nothing (she isn't paying for it. The good senator will have the best health care available for the rest of her life all because she is a senator!)...but she is generously giving it to us along with the bill.

When you think about it the gifts don't really go together well, because between universal health care and universal Pre K is "Middle Class Tax Cuts"....which mathematically don't add if we are going to be getting free services! The money has to come from somewhere, though it would save some money to use all that money wasted in Iraq on US citizens instead of spending it on others.

Some of the other gifts I agree with but probably not in the same way that Hilary does. I am all for alternative energy. I have some solar power at work around my house and we'd eventually like to go totally solar and geothermic. It just costs a lot to set up. I just wouldn't be in favor of the government dictating to everyone that they must use alternative energy.

I am all for bringing our troops home instead of having them spread all over the globe playing international policeman to people who don't value democracy and freedom (evidenced, for example, by the lack of religious freedom in Iraq's new constitution that WE helped them with) while our own borders are leaky...but something tells me that's not her view either.

I am not in favor of universal pre-K funded by the American taxpayer...unless you have an illiterate home lacking in intellectual stimulation for a young child (and there are some), pre-K is not going to create an Einstein or Edison out of your child. But, think about how much it is going to cost to set that up! I'm pretty sure Hilary is not planning on volunteering her time teaching Pre K to a million young Americans. The money for this generous gift has to come somewhere.

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