Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Presidential Race

I normally don't do this.

In fact, you could say that I am allergic to politics LOL. Part of that reason is that the politically active Christians at our college turned me far, far away from God when I was not yet saved, and I tended to view Christianity as a religion of rules, not understanding the amazing grace that was available to us. The other part could be the wide eyed idealistic left wing politics that I used to embrace as a pre-Christian, trying to change the world from the outside in....but in Christ alone can real change come, and it has to occur through individuals, of their own free will, being changed from the inside out when they accept the Lord...laws and such will only be broken without a heart change. That's not the topic of the post today, though.:-)

Let's just say that if I did have a vehicle (LOL), I'd actually want to put Ron Paul's bumper sticker on it. And I don't put bumper stickers on my car lightly. I don't embrace Republicans either as a matter of course (I'm a Constitutionalist, but then again, so is Ron Paul in principle).

In the year 2000, we were all told not to "throw our vote away" by voting for someone with principle and character...we had to vote for the guy who "had a chance" at winning...and so we believed them, and like good little sheep we voted the way everyone told us to. How's that working out? Granted, he's a hair better than the other major runner would have been, but he wasn't my first choice.

The thing is, if we all stood up and said, "ENOUGH is ENOUGH", then real change can happen. All of these professional politicians in both major parties are the new Oligarchy. They are the ruling class. They have forgotten Of the people, by the people, for the people. They are in the pocket of the big business and the lobby groups.

Several years ago, I had to call one of my representatives to complain about something and let my voice be heard, and his receptionist wanted to known what group I represented. She wouldn't take my message without telling her what "group" I was a spokesperson for. How about WE THE PEOPLE? The only things we are good for in their eyes are tax revenues and votes.

I guess my soapbox of voting years is this: what on Earth makes us think that choosing "the lesser of two evils" is the godly choice? Since when does Jesus want us to jump on the bandwagon of the majority, simply because of an idea that we have to go along with the "best chance for success" instead of "What is right"? If you study the Bible, in every instance of a majority rule, the majority was wrong (10 said no, two said go--remember?). Scary thought.

Ron Paul is the sort of politician that I would love to see running this country. The number one thing that impresses me is that this guy has voted against his own pay raise as a congressman and fought to NOT be included in the elaborate congressional pension plan. Maybe that seems silly to some people. But, to me, it basically validates all of the other stuff he claims to stand for. When someone else talks about wanting to help the working man, or talks about family values, and so forth, but lives in such a way that shows his disconnect with the common man--through the unbelievable pay, the unreal pension, the lobbying groups' gifts, and so forth--I have a hard time believing them. Maybe they start out idealistic but quickly turn tail after they taste the Washington DC lifestyle. Ron Paul stood by his convictions, even amidst mocking from others.

Maybe I also like the guy because he's not a lawyer or politician by trade--he's a medical doctor. Like I said, politics leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Look up more information about Dr. Paul, and consider helping to spread the word, encouraging others to vote. If you are a registered Republican, consider voting in the primaries of your state to support Dr. Paul! Just "google" his name to find out more.


Anonymous said...

Good for you my dear lady! Dr. Ron Paul will win this one, because of People like yourself. We must prevail as the Saviour says we will, but only with HIM as the focal point. Do not be fooled by Huck the huckster from Arkansas. He is as phoney as a three dollar bill, or should I say federal reserve note?!!!...-whzh-

Anonymous said...

Kimberly, I happened across your blog following links fom dr. Henry makow's site. I am a young black woman who grew up in a well to do Christian family but turned away from religion as a young adult. It has been tough for my own family financiallyand I felt that even though I don't share left wing values they care more about the poor and the young and embrace Black people so I had to vote Democrat. I could not have imagined ever supporting a Republican in my wildest dreams, ever! Until Dr. Paul. I am so excited about his candidacy and I pray that his time has come and thru God's grace we can have such a principled and honest patriot in the White House. Thanks for posting this!

Kimberly Eddy said...

"It has been tough for my own family financiallyand I felt that even though I don't share left wing values they care more about the poor and the young and embrace Black people so I had to vote Democrat."

I know what you mean. My husband is a factory worker, and this idea that if you give tax breaks to employers they will somehow be prompted to "share" it with their employees is such a joke, and yet that is something this is totally "republican", and one of the reasons why most people who work with their hands vote democrat even if they don't like the rest of the platform. What unsaved or carnal boss would share profit? My husband's old boss used to spend tens of thousands on safaris to Africa but not be able to afford raises for the guys--but would make them watch her slides of her elaborate trips.

I have always had a hard time when I voted because I felt like neither side really understood what the American people needed....I can't vote "pro choice", but I don't think that just being pro life and anti gay marriage is the sum total of "pro family" either...especially when their policies hurt working class families. It's a Catch 22 for I would say 80% of America.

I like Dr. Paul, and I have been so encouraged by listening to him...It's a pity that magazines like Time are ignoring the guy. Most people don't really want Hillary, or Rudy, or the others...they are all business as usual, but they will vote "for the lesser of two evils" if they have no other options, or if they feel they have no other options. I would never vote for Mitt after seeing how they "fixed" health care in Massachusettes (by making it illegal to have no insurance! D'oh! Way to kick someone when they're down!) But...Ron Paul is in a class all of his own.