Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Want to know the will of God for YOU? Read on...

Have you ever heard someone say, "I just want to know the will of God for my life?" Maybe you've said it. I know I have. A few times.

BUT, the will of God is not nearly as mysterious and adventurous as we make it out to be. The will of God is actually quite simple, and is found in the Bible.

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (I Thessalonians 5:18)

I remember reading years ago the autobiographical story of Corrie and Betsy Ten Boom, helping Jews in Nazi-controlled Holland at the time, and getting thrown into the concentration camp. Betsy read this verse, and started to give thanks for everything, even the fleas and lice (having recently had to battle fleas this summer on our Doxie I have a great image in my mind on that one!), and Corrie protested. Finally, Betsy learned, months later, that the reason why they could hold Bible studies and have prayer meetings without being disturbed by the cruel and evil guards is because the guards wouldn't set foot in the dorms because of those fleas. Everything has a purpose, even fleas (though I agree with Corrie; I think I'd also have a hard time thanking God for fleas LOL).

This has been a really hard year for our family. It seems like things are going totally crazy around here, and in all of the craziness--the jury duty, the broken down van, then malfunctioning car, the furnace that broke down for a second time and is waiting for a part--brrrrr, the broken washing machine, and the lack of sales on my website---we are still more blessed than those living in other parts of the world. Hey, I could be one of those Christians in Darfur that the Muslims are brutally murdering, torturing, and raping for their faith. I could live in China, where house church leaders and members are often thrown into prison or beaten for their faith, but God continues to move and add to those churches daily in spite of it. I could live in Germany where the neo-nazi government siezes property, children, and bank accounts of parents who choose to homeschool their kids.

All in all, I'm pretty blessed.

I have a lot to be thankful for.

And so do you....

You will never know the complete, detailed will of God for your specific life, until you are already obeying His general will of God for you, as revealed in the Bible. We all fail of course ;) but there are so many things He shows us to be the will of God in His word that we routinely ignore or disobey while begging to know the will of a study, searching for the words "the will of God" in some Bible software....there is a whole selection of verses.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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