Thursday, November 06, 2008

A Month of Thanksgiving

I recently noticed my posts that I had set up for "A Month of Thanksgiving" were not coming through. Yeah, it took me 6 days to notice ;), so we are going to be just skip a few of them this we focus our attention on GIVING THANKS. Apologies to my Canadian and overseas readers who celebrate Thanksgiving in October, though in reality Thanksgiving is something we shouldn't limit ourselves to once a year, amen?

Day 1: Give Thanks because it is His Will for our Lives!

Too often we wonder what God's will is and make it out to be some sort of freakish mystical thing, a mystery seldom understood but by the most spiritual. The fact is, God often doesn't reveal His specific will for our individual lives to us, until we are already obeying His general will for all Christians, as seen in the Bible. One of the four things the Bible specifically declares as being the will of God for our lives is to give thanks in everything.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

In every thing, give thanks.

In the good stuff
In the bad stuff
When the guy with the scary policies wins the election
When we don't get our way
When we do get our way
When people let us down
When people bless us
When we have a big spread on the table
When we are trying to make dinner with a scant selection of things leftover in the pantry
When we get a raise
When we get a pay-cut
When we have a bad day
When we have a good day.

In EVERY THING give THANKS, for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning YOU (yes, you!)

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